We'll Provide You With Professional Advertising Products
Varied Installation Options
Infinity Signs supplies and installs all types of cable display systems. The systems can be installed in various ways, including floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall, wall-to-floor, ceiling-to-wall or track-mounted.
Professional Displays
The cable system is a professional way of easily displaying your products and services that you can simply change by yourself, saving you money whilst still having a modern and professional look.
Easy, Simple Set-Up
Your display material is simply put into the acrylic holder that is suspended along the cable by metal connectors and can be repositioned simply along the cable. We can design the best window system for your specific needs and install it also.
Window Display Maintenance
Do you currently have a window display that needs a little attention? Infinity Signs has a window maintenance service that includes re-tensioning and re-tightening cables, part replacement and cleaning of inside display windows.